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Our vision, values and statement of faith

Our vision is to see people have life to the full following Jesus.

Our Values

Statement of Faith

Levin Baptist Church is a community of those who believe in the Triune God; God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit; those who are repentant of sin and have been saved by personal faith in Jesus Christ alone through His atoning death and resurrection; those who have publicly confessed their faith ideally through baptism and who are committed to the church.

We believe that:

  • God is creator of all things and sovereign over all.

  • God’s fullness exists in three persons of the Trinity: God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit.

  • Jesus Christ achieved full atonement of our sins through his death and resurrection.

  • Jesus Christ came to earth completely human and completely divine.

  • The Holy Spirit is the source and power of spiritual gifts given to all believers for personal maturity, service in the church and to the wider community.

  • Salvation is a gift from God by means of faith in Jesus Christ alone, excluding any personal merit or work.

  • The Bible is God's written word and the authority for all matters of faith and life.

  • Baptism is a step of obedience for believers, and will be encouraged as such.

  • Membership of the church is based on the believers’ commitment to the body of Christ.

  • The church's mission and purpose is based on Christ's model to seek and save the lost, make disciples and assimilate believers into the body of Christ.

  • Christ will return to resurrect the dead.

  • There is future judgment, which has eternal consequences for all of humanity.

Levin Baptist Church is part of the
Baptist Churches of New Zealand